Massachusetts Motorcycle Accident Statistics


There are over 160,000 registered motorcycles in Massachusetts.

2,017 motorcycle accidents occured in 2016 resulting in 1,635 injuries and 42 deaths.

Roughly 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in serious injury or death each year.

Massachusetts motorcyclists account for 1 out of every 7 traffic deaths.

Alcohol is a factor in at least 30% of all motorcycle crashes.

Top causes of motorcycle accidents

Riding a motorcycle increases your risk of death 36% over drivers of other vehicles.

Roughly 90% of MA bikers wear helmets while riding (a higher percentage than the national average).

Most dangerous cities (total accidents)

  1. Worcester (62)
  2. Boston (55)
  3. Springfield (49)
  4. New Bedford (45)
  5. Fall River (40)

Stay Safe Massachusetts

Wear a helmet while riding

Obey traffic laws

Don’t ride after drinking

Never ride without a license

Watch for road obstacles

When Accidents Occur, We're Here

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