Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer: 5 Flags to Watch For
When you are injured through the action, inaction or irresponsibility of another person it is stressful, scary and a source of deep anger and rage. You know that you deserve to be compensated, but you have insurance companies bullying you to sign away your rights, and you do not know what to do.
Bottom line: You need a personal injury lawyer. However, choosing the right lawyer can be a tricky process fraught with potential missteps. Learn these five personal injury lawyer red flags to watch out for when choosing the right attorney to ensure you get the best representation possible.
Lawyer Red Flags
You need a lawyer you can trust and who can be your ally when battling for the compensation you know you deserve. It is important for you to know how to spot potential personal injury lawyer red flags, so you do not get taken in by a dishonest or inexperienced attorney.
Lack of Experience
One of the first red flags you need to look for is a lack of experience. When you choose your attorney, make sure you are picking one with a clear legacy of service and solidly resolved cases. As passionate as new attorneys can be, only one with lots of experience can battle the insurance companies to get you the compensation you deserve.
Poor Communication
If the attorney with whom you are speaking to is terrible at answering emails or phone calls, if every time you call you get an answering service or receptionist and they never call back, that is a major red flag. You need a lawyer who will make you a priority.
Lack of Empathy
In line with communication, if your lawyer displays a brusque or harsh manner, they might not provide you the best service. A good attorney will know how to empathize with your plight. They will be a confidant as well as a professional service. If they do not seem to care about what you are going through, avoid working with them.
Money Up Front
It may be hard to believe these days, but some attorneys are still demanding money up front for personal injury cases. That is just crazy. A good injury lawyer will review your case with no obligation and will not charge you a fee unless they win your case.
Too Eager to Settle
A good personal injury attorney is going to take as long as it is needed to get you the money you deserve. They will fight the bullying tactics of insurance companies, and they will work tirelessly to get as much out of the settlement as humanly possible.
If you walk into the office of a potential attorney and they turn around and push you to accept the first settlement offered, that can be a red flag. A strong lawyer knows that lowball offers are how the case is opened, not closed.
Do you have more questions?
If you have been hurt in an accident or incident caused by another person, you deserve the maximum possible settlement to heal and to rebuild your life. Don’t be too quick to jump on the first offer that is handed to you, as advised above. Take some time to look over the injuries we cover and call our office for a consultation of your case today!