Not every car accident requires a lawyer. For example, attorneys don’t generally need to get involved in minor fender-benders. Those can be settled directly with the insurance company.
However, there are certain situations where it’s wise to consult with a car accident lawyer before proceeding on your own. Remember that once you sign a settlement agreement, you can’t come back to ask for more money down the road. To make sure your bases are covered, talk to an experienced attorney if any of these criteria apply to your accident.
You Were Injured
If nobody was injured, you may not need a lawyer. However, get checked out by your doctor first to be absolutely certain that you were not hurt in the accident.
You should consult with a car accident attorney when you have sustained an injury, no matter how minor it may seem. We all tend to underestimate car accident injuries, which have a way of getting worse over time. An experienced lawyer will be able to estimate your future medical costs and work that figure into your claim.
When serious injuries or fatalities are involved, it is imperative to work with an attorney. In Massachusetts, your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) will only cover the first $8,000 of your medical bills. A car accident lawyer will know the best way to get your expenses covered.
Previous Injuries and Other Extenuating Circumstances
Car accidents can sometimes aggravate pre-existing injuries, such as arthritis, degenerative spinal diseases, and fibromyalgia. Even if your symptoms have become far worse after the accident, the insurance company may try to deny your claim because of your pre-existing condition. A car accident lawyer can help you fight the insurance company to get the settlement you deserve.
We all lead complex lives, and yours may have unique circumstances that complicate your case. Perhaps you care for your aging parents but haven’t been able to since the accident, forcing you to hire an expensive caregiver instead. A good lawyer can help you negotiate for additional compensation.
Liability Isn’t 100% Clear
When it’s clear that the other driver was at fault—and he or she acknowledges it—you have a simpler road ahead of you. If that’s not the case, you should consider hiring a car accident attorney.
Proving fault requires evidence. If there were no witnesses to the accident, it could be your word against the other driver’s—and you don’t want to leave the decision of liability up to the insurance company. A lawyer can help you gather and present evidence to support your claim.
The Insurance Company Tries to Take Advantage of You
When you’re stressed after an accident, you may not be thinking entirely clearly. Some insurance companies may try to take advantage of your mental state with a lowball offer. An experienced car accident lawyer will know if the settlement offer is unfair, so you can be confident you aren’t leaving money on the table.
You Don’t Completely Understand Your Rights
Depending on the type of accident and injuries involved, you may have the right to more compensation than you thought. You could be entitled to damages for medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. If the accident caused a tragic loss of life, you could be compensated for your loved one’s medical and funeral expenses.
Unless you’re well-versed in the intricacies of personal injury law, you will probably benefit from working with a car accident lawyer.
Get an Honest Opinion
Tell us about your accident in your free consultation with Worcester car accident lawyer Peter Ventura. We’ll go over the pertinent details and estimate the damages you might potentially receive. Most importantly, we’ll give you our honest opinion on whether it makes sense for you to work with us.
If you have lost wages or medical bills to pay, it’s in your best interest to speak with an attorney as soon as you can after the accident. We can help you get fair compensation. Please contact our office today to arrange your free and confidential case review.
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